Friday, May 11

Great changes

Ok, I don't talk much about work on this weblog, but here's a little life update that includes some work stuff:

A little late, but here's a link to my first piece in the print magazine (May issue):

It is a very humble little piece, and I've been in print before, but still a nice start.

My main work is editing our Aviation Week defense weblog, Ares, which has averaged 1000 hits a day this month.

With the new job, Christine was able to quit working part-time at the library. She was saying last night that she is making good progress on the stuff she wants to get done around the house.

We Columbia Meades thank God for the great changes in our life in the last three months :-)


Jay@Soob said...

Congratulations Sean!

Sean Meade said...

thanks, subadei!

Kelly Sedinger said...

Congrats. I always knew all that rumination over truth existing or subsisting would pay off for you. (I didn't think it would be writing on weapons stuff on the Interweb, but hey, life's full of detours.)

Sean Meade said...

the truth will always subsist between you and i ;-)