Saturday, May 26

Goin' crazy on the bongos

Wil's latest pick for Daddy-Son-time has been Donkey Konga 2. Now I don't happen to think it's THAT fun, but he likes it, so that's enough, right?

What I do love about it is the rhythm. I think 'What a great, musically educating game!'

Below: one picture for you from Christine's May Highlights album, which is really worth clicking through to.

(BTW, lest you think I'm too goofy, the bongos have a clap sensor, too ;-)


Anonymous said...

Need some sleep? Whoa! Starting to look like me and well, you know since 1972. HA! ;~)!

Anonymous said...

This is a video game? WOW... I've never seen anything like it.

You'll really get into these when Wil starts the world conquest, and strategy games.

Sean Meade said...

geez, g. didn't think i looked *that8 bad ;-)

j: when Wil starts, nothin'. i'm already into them enough myself! ;-)