Sunday, April 24

A nice, cool weekend

+ If you've been living in a web-cave, you can read the transcript of the Berkeley Laptop Indictment. (via Boing Boing)

+ Popular Science: This guy just won an award for a speakerless sound system and he's also got a personal, flying AirScooter. Fun stuff.

+ I usually eat a bag of Light Microwave Popcorn every day. Now I know why a few kernels don't pop.

+ More Google Sightseeing. Nice post on the Space Shuttle. Here's one, with external tanks.

+ Did you see that Google witll track your search history now, if you want? Very interesting...

+ Here's a more balanced profile of Benedict 16, if you're interested in something that doesn't say 'arch-conservative' (via Brad)

+ To be fair, I'll post How Google is like Wal-Mart, even though I don't really agree with it. At the same time, I don't feel like deconstructing it right now...

+ Tom notes that we're starting to see some apologies between the Chinese and Japanese. It's about time...

+ I'm pretty happy with the Vikings' draft so far. We needed a receiver, obviously. It'd be a surprise if Troy Williamson turns out to be a Randy Moss, but here's hoping we return to the great running game we've had in the past and that Williamson can contribute. Plus, the USC connection's fun for me. We picked up a DE, too, which is good.

+ Finally finished cleaning out my Bloglines yesterday (though it took a 'to-do?' tag to get it done). Now catching up on the old weblog. Next: email.

+ And, therein [re:email] I find Chris Barr Is Available On Thursday from my friend (and sometime 'interact' correspondent), Kurt. He lets people suggest ways for him to spend his Thursdays and then documents them. You should check it out! (Plus, he's from Buffalo, Jaq!)

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