Friday, June 6

Iowa Ninja Shake

+ 'Oh, there's nothing half-way about the Iowa way to treat you...'*

Brother Kyle sent me a link to Peter King's column this week which leads with the Parkersburg (Iowa) tornado story. The part that stuck out to me was about how people from around the state came to help.

My dad drove up for the weekend. He and mom actually lived there for a couple of years (she was pastoring) and both of the houses they lived in were destroyed by the F5.

Dad said the (predominately German) people got right to work cleaning up and seasoned tornado cleaner-uppers said they'd never seen a place come so far so fast in clean up.

This prompted me to joke that the Germans would be running the world if they'd had a couple breaks.

(I like to joke about Germans a lot because Christine's 100% and I'm about 1/8th (maternal grandmother's maiden name: Gertenbach), making the twins approximately 9/16ths.)

+ Brother Cory sent me a link to this hilarious Onion video: Ninja Parade Slips By Town Unnoticed Once Again

+ My quasi-psuedonymous friend (I mean, she does post pix of herself), Mlle La Frog, got to read her one-woman play about having Parkinson's Disease Saturday at a theater in NYC. Way to go, MLF!

* This heading is especially for the Stokeses, who love The Music Man :-)


La Frog said...

You're outting me in your blog! I'm trying to lie low on my French Lily Pad! (But thank you for mentioning me - you rule, my friend!) :-)

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Sean. I knew immediately that the line was from The Music Man!

Paul Stokes said...

My mom's maiden name was Hemperley, which is Southern for Hemple. Hemple was the name of the German side of the family. At one time the Germans were the largest ethnic group in the country. Another song title: "The Times, They Are A'changin." Those folks are dying out, except maybe in Iowa. I say, Go, Iowa!

Sean Meade said...

MLF: trust i'm not really outing you :-)

Carol: hooray!

Paul: Tolkien lamented what Hitler had done to the fine German people

Macon said...

This whole post is trouble with a capital "T".