Monday, June 2

Healthy defense bull!

+ Will you keep track of your personal health information on Google? I'm trying it out...

(GSR: my prediction of your response: 'Not in a million years!' or words/expletives to that effect ;-)

+ Ok. The Vikes are supposed to be loaded for defense. Think they'll do any better this year? Woe is me ...

+ I would like to thank Brad for posting a picture of the biggest bull I've ever seen!

It's so big, it looks prehistoric or something!


jeffro said...

of course, the Vikings would like you to forget that they have Tavaris Jackson as quarterback...

Sean Meade said...

great point, jeffro! i would like to forget it, too :-(

Anonymous said...

That picture is a perspective trick. Look at the shadows. The left side of the cow is in shadow. So if the cow is really that big, the person would be in shadow. They're actually standing about 10 feet behind the cow and holding their hand up.

This same technique was used in LotR. Check out the behind the scenes takes

Sean Meade said...

pamc: in this picture that's in play a little, but did you click through to Brad's post and the story he linked? more pix that do not employ any perspective tricks. at any rate, a huge bull!

Anonymous said...

I did click through... they're all perspictive manipulations. None of the pictures contain images with the person standing by the shoulder. None of them have a ruler. It's all comparisons with something in the distance, which isn't a fair comparison.