Friday, June 15

MUST post these links...

or stop keeping the tabs open!

For some reason, I haven't really felt like posting this week.

+ Christine put up pix of her trip to Washington DC with Elizabeth and the Girl Scouts . Happy for my girls.

+ Funny Father's Day gift on defective yeti that I don't want (hint: Luke and Vader together).

+ I was looking for something for Tom on the Huffington Post and found this headline: Joint Chiefs Chair: I Was Forced Out. Ok, I'll check it out. Problem is, he didn't say that, not that way. So,

1. That's playing too fast and loose with the headline.

2. I think it's a bummer that Pace can't continue. He seems like a good guy. But he has to leave, politically, because the of the Bush Administration's incompetency in handling Post-war Iraq. Sure, Pace bears some responsibility. I'm not sure he deserves to be fired, though. Or, if he does, so does President Bush. I'm sure many of us can agree on that.


Anonymous said...

President Bush is out of a job come January '09, no? Ask me, I'll say Senators and Congressman should have their terms limited too. Something they've told us is a great idea but somehow never seem to get around to codifying. Why? Well, they get down there in DC start doing things TO us rather than FOR us and they like the feeling of ownership. Defined as: I own you. Speaks volumes about how quickly a persons humanity can be lost. :~\

Sean Meade said...

you may be right, G. i really don't know what the answer is to the systemic political problems we have, especially in DC...