Thursday, April 24

Keeping my Daughter and Son at Work Day

I kept Elizabeth and Wil home today to 'shadow' me in my work. We have had fun talking about work.

Take Our Daughters And Sons To Work had some good activities I could use and print out.

I asked them what they learned about my job and they said: it's sometimes boring, I'm a telecommuter, I need times of quiet (when I'm editing or proofreading), that the weblog I edit for AvWeek [Ares] got over 2000 hits yesterday, it's sometimes interesting, I make a lot of money [compared to my old job and their own experiences of money], and I 'make the Internet' [what I often tell them].

I asked them if they would want to do my job when they grow up and they said 'no': too much typing, not-moving and quietness ;-)

As an exercise in doing what I do and in thinking about future work, I had them each write a post that we put up on twinlog this morning.

Then we went out for a 'business lunch' at Longhorn Steakhouse.

They are playing outside right now, having some recess time that Christine assured them you do not get when you have a job! :-)

We're in the final glidepath now for our day; they have some reading and math they need to do before 3pm.

I think Christine feared this was going to be one of those things I sort of schlepped through (like Ireland trip planning) and that all of us would be unhappy, but I actually had some good ideas and did some planning and fun was had by all.


Marshall Benbow said...

Welcome back to blogging world, Sean! Nice work to the twins on the twin blog.

Anonymous said...

Atta way Dad. Were you required to submit a written request, ten working days in advance, subject to administrative approval? Who's expense account did the working lunch touch down on? ;~)

Sean Meade said...

Dan tdaxp said...

You make the internet.

That means you can shut down myspace, neospace, and in one fell swoop.

You have incredible power over your children.

Good job! :)

[moved from duplicate post. my fault]

Sean Meade said...

Dan: hurry up and have children so you can shape their view of reality like me! ;-)

Marsh: thanks :-)

GSR: nope and mine. i think it'll fly ;-)

La Frog said...

You took the kids to work! Argh! Thank you for keeping them off the DC metro. ;-)

Sean Meade said...

yes! one reason i found your post on the issue somewhat distressing! ;-)

Paul Stokes said...

We had one of those days at our office. I came in, met all the kids, went into my office, and shut the door for the day. But we had plenty of maternal power to deal with all the ankle-biters, as in our 15 person office there are only two of us male-types, and the other one brought his two daughters (and his mom to look after them!). But, seriously, good for you Sean.