Wednesday, August 24

My Web 2.0

I'm really enjoying all of the new stuff coming out these days, especially from Google.

kottke's got a big post about Web 2.0. Google's use of Ajax is making their apps act like desktop programs, so there's no loss in function there.

I wrote a couple days ago about maybe caching webpages I want to save in Gmail. As the power of Google Desktop increases, including indexing my Gmail, that would put all of that info at my fingertips, as opposed to having to go search over at And I just realized I could easily use the 'Email this' link in Bloglines to email pages to myself, putting 'tags' in the comments.

Nothing against You know I love it. And, at the same time, last night I just found the greasemonkey script that changes Bloglines' 'Save this' to 'Post to'. So I have to decide which I'm going to use. Both will be an improvement over the current 'administration'. I'm leaning toward Gmail...

Anyway, it's all good... really. Fun days on the web. Google Talk is out today and I'm all excited and I don't even do IM or want to. Downloaded GAIM last night in preparation. Anybody want to do some Google Talk? Christine? ;-)

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