+ My friend Benet, who happens to be African-American, has a nice post about the historical nature of the Obama nomination in terms of her own family's history.
+ defective yeti mostly does comedy, but here's an interesting piece of political analysis: choosing such a young and inexperienced VP candidate will give the Dems more license to talk about McCain's age and health.
+ Remember when I posted about having coffee with the Stokes clan but no picture. Well, this is pretty much what they looked like (down to Mary's car with bike on back):
+ When they visited, Paul gave me the book Mover of Men and Mountains, the autobiography of RG LeTourneau. Very interesting book about a pioneer in the earth moving and heavy equipment industry. Out of his Christian conviction he resolved to keep only 10% of his profits and gave the rest to charity.
Hey Sean. This is Ben Miller, a friend of Ryan's from high school. I was thinking of him recently, we kind of lost touch a while ago. Could you pass along my email to him: bmiller4764@yahoo.com. Thanks.
I wish I could have been with you all!
I'm also reading MoM&M. Also finding it very interesting.
me, too, M. hoping to pick up the Austin Stokeses in September! :-)
MoM&M could be subtitled 'When Modernism Attacks', in engineering and faith. but, otoh, Modernism wasn't all bad...
Hey--nice to see us here! It was a fun stop; come join the Stokeses anytime, with your family too, of course. (Macon, if only you were more east coast...)
thanks, Mary!
actually, i finagled my next business trip to Austin, so i'll be visiting the beatses and their ilk! :-)
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