Tuesday, September 8

What I've been reading about health care

+ How American Health Care Killed My Father

This one is my favorite so far (sensational title notwithstanding). It's also the longest by far. But I really like the analysis here of the way our system produces bad outcomes. Killer piece:
Anyone with whom I discuss this [HSA] approach has the same question: How am I supposed to be able to afford health care in this system? Well, what if I gave you $1.77 million? Recall, that’s how much an insured 22-year-old at my company could expect to pay—and to have paid on his and his family’s behalf—over his lifetime, assuming health-care costs are tamed. Sure, most of that money doesn’t pass through your hands now. It’s hidden in company payments for premiums, or in Medicare taxes and premiums. But think about it: If you had access to those funds over your lifetime, wouldn’t you be able to afford your own care? And wouldn’t you consume health care differently if you and your family didn’t have to spend that money only on care?
+ Obama’s in the ER but he’ll get his reforms

+ My Take On The Healthcare Debate

+ 8 Questions About Health-Care Reform

+ The Massachusetts Model

+ The Myth of Prevention

+ Until Medical Bills Do Us Part


Anonymous said...

Let's hope that all this effort doesn't go to waste though: http://www.pressdisplay.com/pressdisplay/showlink.aspx?bookmarkid=EXW6T2BKYX65&preview=article&linkid=35375b2a-d666-4f96-8c99-e2af11794944&pdaffid=ZVFwBG5jk4Kvl9OaBJc5%2bg%3d%3d


John Hardy said...

Alas this is the stupidest debate of all time. Simply extend Medicare to 100% of the population and you would have a system quite similar to Australia and far far better outcomes in terms of coverage and cost control. Market mechanisms all sound well and good but applied uncritically for everything regardless of situation or even its efficacy is as utopian as command-economy thinking of the old school Soviets. Throw out ideology and go for what obviously works everywhere else and somewhat better than the best the US has achieved (re Massachusetts). The system we have here which is very popular with the public, even with conservatives despite themselves. No one is stopping you buying private insurance if you want to stay in a private hospital but everyone has baseline coverage which we call Medicare.