Gertrude Meade, 93
Gertrude M. Meade
Gertrude M. “Gertie” Meade, 93, of Hills, Iowa died Monday, March 10, 2008, at Mercy Hospital in Iowa City.Some pictures of Gramma and from the funeral
Funeral services will be held at 10:30 a.m., Wednesday, March 12, 2008, at Grace Fellowship Church in Iowa City. Private burial services will be held at St. Peters Cemetery in Cosgrove. Visitation will be from 4 to 7pm Tuesday at Gay & Ciha Funeral and Cremation Service in Iowa City. Memorial donations can be made in Gertrude’s memory to Hills Atrium Village or Grace Fellowship Church.
Gertrude Mary Meade was born September 11, 1914, in St. Lawrence, South Dakota, the daughter of Oliver B. and Kathryn L. (McCabe) Humphrey. She attended school in St. Lawrence through the seventh grade, then moved to this area where she graduated from St. Mary’s High School in Iowa City. For many years she was a cook for a sorority and fraternity at the University of Iowa. She was a cook for a church youth camp and was a member of Grace Fellowship Church in Iowa City. She enjoyed dancing, traveling throughout the world, jigsaw puzzles, fellowship, board and card games along with quilting, cooking and baking many items including wedding cakes.
Her family includes her children, David Lee Meade (Carol) of Oldsmar, Florida, Patrick Burton Meade (Nancy) of Milo, Iowa, James Norbert Meade (Hanne) of Tiffin, Iowa, Paul Francis Meade (Susan) of Riverside, Iowa, Virginia Mary Conley (Lyman) of Indianola, Iowa, Kathleen Ann Jespersen (James) of Rock Valley, Iowa, Gayle Jean Robertson (Bill) of Moores Hill, Indiana, and Denise Irene Yoder (Michael) of Iowa City, Iowa; twenty-eight grandchildren; thirty-one great-grandchildren; three great-great grandchildren; and sister, Ruth Wines (Leonard) of Ruby Valley, Nevada.
She was preceded in death by her daughter, Carolyn Lucille Meade; an infant son; seven brothers and two sisters.
She had a stroke the previous week and lived, defining medical fact, with a DNR and no food or water for about 7 days! Cory and his wife and I left Davidson, NC the Saturday before she died and drove straight to the hospital. I had a chance to hold her hand, talk to her a little and read the Bible. She appeared to try to respond to me. And we sang 'Amazing Grace' in her hospice room (ostensibly as practice for the grandchildren, who sang it at her funeral).
(My dad got busted earlier in the day for having Jack and wine in the room. Great idea, Dad. But you shouldn't have pulled it out when the nurse was in the room! :-)
Note all of the cooking in Gramma's obituary. She was not, however, regarded as a good cook within the family ;-)
Another funny Gramma story: yes, her birthday was 9/11. She said: 'Why'd they have to go and do that on my birthday?!' ;-)
Gramma's death was not a very sad occurrence for me. She lived a long, full life.
It was good to be with my family during this time. It was especially good to see my cousins after many years. It's doubtful that so many of us will ever be together in the same place again. That does make me a little sad.
Gramma and I interacted a lot when I was in middle school and attended her church camps. When I went to college, we tried to have lunch when I was in town. We often went to Carlos O'Kelly's :-)
The number one reason I am not sad this Easter weekend: Gramma and I believe in the same God. Though our theology diverged more and more over the years (beginning for me in seventh grade!), I fully expect to see her at the Resurrection, whole and happier than she ever was in life. Further, we will be closer than ever, infinitely closer, with perfect love between us.
I'm looking forward to that day far more than I miss her!
Sad and wonderful. And hopeful. Thanks, Sean.
Sad yes, but a life well lived.
Best to you and your family.
Sorry for your loss.
thanks, guys :-)
Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight,
The clouds be rolled back, as a scroll;
The trump shall resound,
And the Lord shall descend,
Even so,
It is well with my soul.
I look forward to meeting your Gramma.
thanks, Macon!
You said it well - there is sadness, yet hope and also joy of a life well-lived. I am sorry for your family's loss, though.
thanks, Marsh!
Sean, I'm sorry for your family's loss. That was a beautiful tribute you wrote.
Hi Sean, Am sending your contact information to Mike Sohm, our fellow Arrow alum (Mike works for a local CM&A college). Had breakfast with Mike and Pam (Hiscock) Braman this a.m. When confirming your contact information for Mike, I saw your post about Gramma. Incredibly wonderful post...and a MORE incredible gift that she was your Grandmother. :) Your sister, Gretchen Englund
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