Thursday, November 1

V. car alarms

It is not possible that car alarms have saved enough cars to justify how annoying they are. And it's like those who own them get inured to them - they just let them ring and ring and ring. Makes me wish I had an Explosively Formed Projectile lying around...

(On the other hand (there's always another hand with me, isn't there?), if car alarms have saved LIVES, that's something else...)


Dan tdaxp said...


M said...

Me too! One benefit of leaving Adams-Morgan is that the soundtrack of my evenings won't be the shrill tones of car alarms.

Sean Meade said...

you two distinguished gentlemen are obviously both eminently reasonable ;-)

Anonymous said...

I'm patiently waiting out a traffic light, two feet behind the stop line. A local LE patrol car is parked in the strip mall, poised to bump up his quota for red light runners. A flat bed tow truck, no discernible identifying markings(ie SEAN'S TOWING) pulls up eight feet over the stop line. Brand spanking new Corvette on the bed, alarm blaring. Light goes green, off we go. Kept checking my rear view for flashing lights - nothing. Humorous head scratcher.

Firearms save lives. ;~)