Monday, March 3

Other stuff (using 'interact' as an outboard brain):

science development timeline (via Robot Wisdom)

I dreamt about a one-handed keyboard, like the ones you chord with (eg). I was planning on re-learning QWERTY next, but maybe I should go one handed. Maybe not until Christine and I have separate computers.

Wait a minute. Don't they have single-handed arrangements for existing keyboards? EZ Keys might be interesting. There's half-QWERTY typing. This half-keyboard looks really good and can be carried around and used with the Palm. No more carting your laptop.

Yes, I am a total geek.

Why would I want to do such a thing? I think it'd be really boss to type letters with one hand and work the pointing device (typically mouse) with the other hand. I don't like switching back and forth.

Now I need to go outside and get some sunshine!

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