Thursday, February 21

Eric says that companies moving to Bermuda to save 20 M$ is bad. I agree. Corporate im-morality, usually, is driven by profit, pure and simple.

I was talking the other day to a guy who used to work for GE. They are the kings of shareholder value, and their market cap shows it. 'Neutron' Jack Welch would buy companies and lay people off, thus increasing the profits. They're 'downsizing' (or, even more ludicruously 'right-sizing') meant doing more work with less people - people working for the same money, but much harder. Do more with less. It's stressful. It's not good for people. It's not good for families. Bad values.

Corporations, to be considered moral, have to value employees and their quality of life more highly than they generally do. Shareholder value needs to be de-prioritized. It's bringing a lot of bad stuff.

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