Tuesday, December 24

Matt is calling his friends Tolkien names. How would I do the same?

The Lady Christine Undomiel, the Evenstar of her husband.
Princess Elizabeth the Beautiful, the White Lady of Tulsa.
Prince Wil, son of Sean, Tier of Knots, Singer of VeggieTunes, Teller of Jokes.
Jason Edward of Waterloo, the learned bard, Lover of Poems, Guide of Children.
Jaquandor of Syracuse, Minstrel, Writer of Lines.
John the Hardy of Oz, Singer of Ancient Tales.
John Thirteen the Fearless, confronter of Beggars, Democrats, and the Cursed Number.
Eric the Quiet (who is lately finding his voice again), Writer of Kind Words.
Brad of Turlock, Pastor, Early-Adopter, Scourge of PoMo.
Scott SeaCrest, Sailor of CyberWaves, Basketball GM par excellence, Champion of Justice.
(I thought about making Scott Mr Furious...)

And who am I? (When I think of that question I always think of Les Mis - 'I'm Sean ValSean!'.)
Sean the Proud, son of Paul, Teacher, Ensorcelled by the Web.

Now, you add to any of these lists, or add new names, or name yourself.

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