Wednesday, October 29

How the Democrats could win

Here's my new 'eureka' idea about the race: the presidential candidate probably has to be seen as a little bit 'nonpolitical'. Governors fit this bill perfectly. Our last four presidents have come from outside of Washington (right? Bush the 1st?). If this is right and if the Dems want to field a viable candidate, they'll stay away from Leibermann, Kerry, and Gephardt, at least. I'm not sure that people really know Edwards, so he might be ok (they didn't know Clinton either, at first). Dean might work if he's not too radical (see below). This is not to say the primaries will come up with such a condidate, though they might.

My corollary is that you have to be a centrist, like Clinton. That's what we fly-over people are. I like Dean's boldness (though I disagree with some of his positions, of course), but i don't think he's electable.

Hmm. These two ideas together make Edwards look pretty strong.

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